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We're excited to meet you!
What type of church is Osceola Community Church?​
Osceola Community Church is one of many great churches in the river valley. We are people who want to follow the teachings of Jesus. We are "the Church of Second Chances" because we know none of us are perfect. That being said, even the church will make mistakes and needs a second chance from time to time. We believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God and that if it says it then it can happen today! We make space for the work of the Holy Spirit and believe in practically meeting needs in our community. We can make a difference for good through our words and actions because of the love Christ first showed us!
What is a Sunday Morning like?
​Our Sunday service typically lasts about 70 minutes.
When you come in you'll meet our greeters. Then you will see people visiting throughout the main lobby while kids are normally are playing in the indoor ark playset. There is always coffee, tea, etc. on the counter available. Some people choose to go into the sanctuary to pray early, but most talk with friends in the lobby.
Music begins to play and people find seats with friends or look for an open spot. About 20 minutes of music is played by our worship team. The words of the songs are projected onto large screens on either side of the altar. Many people will sing along, and you can too. You are welcome to participate by lust listening, lifting your hands, or dancing as you feel comfortable. We use music as a way of expressing our love for God and appreciation for what he has done for us.​
Someone will come up and lead a prayer after the Worship for our service, missionaries, and other prayer requests.. We welcome members of our community to share something they believe the Holy Spirit has for the congregation after prayer. ​​
We typically share announcements such as updates and events at this time before the Pastor teaches a lesson from the Bible. We aim to help everyone understand the Bible and apply it to their lives. The teachings will be practical and challenging and hopefully will inspire you in your personal pursuit of God. ​
Worship music will begin after the message has ended. We have Elders or spiritual leaders up front who you can go to for support or prayer at this time. The alter is open if you would like to kneel to pray or stand up front and sing. How ever you best connect with God. We use this time to stay in the presence of God and encourage other believers.​
After service, we invite everyone to stay and enjoy morning snacks and fellowship together. This allows us all a chance to connect and meet new friends or see how life is.
Church doesn't stop there... Church is about people getting together. Not just Sunday! We believe more relationship and connection happens throughout the week.
Check out what else is happening!

Service Time and Location
Osceola Community Church is located at 2492 Education Avenue.

10:00 AM
Our Church Building and Facilities
![]() Osceola Community Church has parking spaces for wheelchairs to make sure everyone can attend services and events.. These parking spaces provide a designated area for people who use wheelchairs or other mobility devices to get in and out of their car or van. | ![]() Osceola Community Church's front doors into the commons. | ![]() In the Main Commons, there are seats, a kitchen, offices, conference rooms, bathrooms, and a play area.. | ![]() Osceola Community Church's Sanctuary during worship on Sunday mornings. | ![]() The West Wing of Osceola Community Church connects through the sanctuary and has separate doors leading to a sidewalk outside. We use the West Wing for hosting our kids on Sunday mornings. The West Wing includes a small kitchen area, bathrooms, space up front for speakers/worship and a cozy space with chairs, a couch, and fireplace. |
![]() You can find the Nursery at Osceola Community Church connected through the main commons and serving children ages 0-2. To ensure all children’s safety, a check-in area is available outside the nursery doors. The staff keeps all children in the nursery until a parent arrives to pick them up after the service. |
Got A Question? Get Your Answer!
What should I wear?​
There is no dress code to attend Osceola Community Church. Some dress up, some dress down. You are free to come just as you are, so wear what feels best.
What about my kids?
Our Children's Ministry provides an amazing Sunday morning experience. You can visit the check-in station, where our team will register your children and give them a name badge with a parent tag. During check-in time, you can let our team know about any special allergies or special needs. If we need to contact you during the service, your parent number will be displayed on the screens to the left and right of the stage. At the end of service, simply go to your child's classroom and pick up your child. Click here to the Parent's guide to learn more about how Sunday mornings will look for your child. If you have any questions, feel free to contact one of our leaders here.
How can I connect with others?
The best way to connect is through one of our numerous Growth Groups. Groups meet once a week at various times and locations. Check out the website or info booth for more information about our current offerings. You can also mingle after service and chat with others who are in our commons area. Grab a bite to eat, a cup of coffee, and enjoy a great conversation!
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